Questions & Answers

Q. How do I qualify?
A: All eligible state bargaining unit employees - including members in their probationary period - are eligible.
Q. How do I sign up?
A: Apply online or contact the UET office using the phone number or email in the footer. You can login to your MyUET account via the username and password fields in the header.
Q. What is the total amount of MyUET annual benefit?
A: Eligible employees have up to a total of $8,000 per fiscal year. However, this is divided into three major programs:
  • CIP (Career Improvement Program): $5,000
  • CAT (Computer Application Training): $1,000
  • PE (Professional Enhancement Program): $2,000
You cannot transfer funds from one program to another. Unused funds will not transfer to the following fiscal year.
Q. What if class meets during my work hours?
A: Provision of release time will be up to each agency.
Q. In case of layoff, what are my rights and responsibilities?
A. Click here for UET Layoff Policy.
For additional information or questions, contact UET at 1-866-436-7900, or by e-mail at support@uedtrust.org