UET Online Magazine

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As part of our ongoing efforts to share information, the UET Online Magazine features important announcements on events and learning opportunities for bargaining unit employees. Listed below are links to specific timely information for UET Members. Create or update your User Profile by clicking MyUET to receive program updates and the UET Online Magazine by e-mail.

Issue 11: 4/3/2014

What are you looking for?

What are you looking for?

There’s a new feature on the Union Education Trust website: a school or course search tool added this past winter. This is ideal for eligible state bargaining unit employees who want to research educational providers or courses that are available. You will gain an overview of all your educational options through UET with a simple click of the blue “Search” button.

To find the search tool, go to the far right on the website’s banner, whether you’re on the home page or any other page in the UET website. Click on “school/course search” and you’ll be taken to a page with a variety of empty boxes, or fields.

From there, you have several choices on how to use the search tool. The default setting that is available when the page loads is a School Search. From there, you can do a general search (for example, selecting only a city will return information on all the educational providers and all the UET programs available at each) or be more specific (searching for “Akron” and “CV” will result in a listing of two schools that accept UET’s College Credit Voucher Program.

Or you can choose to search for courses by selecting the blue text “Search for Courses” by the Search Type. You can search by a specific course name or a specific school, or again leave  those fields blank and do a more general search. For example, typing in “6” for District 6 and selecting the UET program “CAT” yields a long list of Computer Application Training offerings at a variety of schools around Columbus.

Along with the courses available, the results include credit hours, tuition and fees. For example, searching for a “CCV” program in District 1, will list all Career College Voucher Program offerings in that region of northwest Ohio. Classes range from accounting to introduction to nursing to word processing and written communications. The Advanced Medical Coding class at a local college has its tuition and fees listed, along with the contact hours (40) and credit hours (4) and that it’s taught in a classroom setting.

The UET search tool is a helpful and exciting feature to assist you in your educational goals. Try it out – you’re going to find exactly the right course for you.